# narnia(1) - secure hidden service webserver

This is the hidden service mirror of kpcyrd/narnia. This service is hosted by narnia itself, publishing its own source code from an undisclosed location.

You can fetch the GPLv3+ licensed sourcecode like this:

git -c http.proxy=socks5h:// clone \
cd narnia/
git config --add remote.origin.proxy socks5h://

Add a hidden service remote to an existing repository

git remote add hs http://3wisi2bfpxplne5wlwz4l5ucvsbaozbteaqnm62oxzmgwhb2qqxvsuyd.onion/narnia.git
git config --add remote.hs.proxy socks5h://
git fetch -v hs

You can host git repositories with narnia like this

mkdir www/
git init --bare -b main www/narnia.git
mv www/narnia.git/hooks/post-update{.sample,}
cd narnia
git remote add hs ../www/narnia.git
git push hs main
cd ..
narnia -D data/ -w www/